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5 Things to Do to Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers

  Some time back, a Facebook account was irrelevant to hackers. There was no reason to hack anyone’s account since there was no reason for hacking an account in the first place. Ever since it has grown to billions of users, Facebook contains enough data for hackers to use for either monetary gain or blackmail. A celebrity’s account, for example, can be hacked in order for a person to advertise a page or brand. The hacker can also post embarrassing or discriminating posts that will leave the celeb’s fans furious. Your account is also prone to hacking even if you aren’t a celebrity. You obviously have to protect your  Facebook account from malicious hackers . It is not that hard to protect your account. Just follow these guidelines, and you’ll be good to go: 1) AVOID SAVING PASSWORDS ON PUBLIC DEVICES Cybercafés are awesome alternatives when you do not have any data on your device. They are also reserves for passwords since most people just click on ‘yes’ on the save password di...

Ghasia la Capitol:Bunge la Uwakilishi kumshtaki Trump


Ghasia za Capitol: Bunge la Uwakilishi Kumshtaki Trump

RAIS wa Marekani Donald Trump amesema kwamba hotuba yake ya wiki iliopita alipowataka wafuasi wake kuvamia bunge la Congress ‘ilistahili’.

Bwana Trump alisema kwamba ni upuuzi kwa wanachama wa Democrarts kuweka juhudi za kumshataki bungeni kwa ‘kuchochea uasi’.

Anaondoka afisini tarehe 20 Januari wakati ambapo rais mteule Joe Biden ataapishwa.

Bunge la uwakilishi linatarajiwa kupigia kura kifungu cha sheria kuhusu kumshtaki rais huyo siku ya Jumtano.


”Nadhani mchakato huo wa kunishtaki unasababisha hatari kubwa kwa taifa letu na unasababisha hasira kubwa . Sitaki ghasia” , bwana Trump alisema.

Alikuwa akizungumza alipokuwa akiondoka katika Ikulu ya Whitehouse kuelekea jimbo la Texas ili kuchunguza sehemu moja ya Ukuta uliojengwa katika mpaka wa taifa hilo na Mexico.

Ilikuwa mara ya kwanza kwa yeye kuonekana hadharani tangu ghasia za Capitol ambapo takriban watu watano walifariki na makumi kujeruhiwa ikiwemo maafisa wa polisi 60.


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