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5 Things to Do to Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers

  Some time back, a Facebook account was irrelevant to hackers. There was no reason to hack anyone’s account since there was no reason for hacking an account in the first place. Ever since it has grown to billions of users, Facebook contains enough data for hackers to use for either monetary gain or blackmail. A celebrity’s account, for example, can be hacked in order for a person to advertise a page or brand. The hacker can also post embarrassing or discriminating posts that will leave the celeb’s fans furious. Your account is also prone to hacking even if you aren’t a celebrity. You obviously have to protect your  Facebook account from malicious hackers . It is not that hard to protect your account. Just follow these guidelines, and you’ll be good to go: 1) AVOID SAVING PASSWORDS ON PUBLIC DEVICES Cybercafés are awesome alternatives when you do not have any data on your device. They are also reserves for passwords since most people just click on ‘yes’ on the save password di...


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Sababu halisi kwa nini Chama cha Wanaume Bahili(SMA) kilianza

Ikiwa unafanya kazi kwenye media ya kijamii, lazima uwe umekutana na chapisho la kadi mpya za wanachama wa sura mpya ya wanachama wanaojiunga na Chama kipya cha Wanaume wa Stingy (SMA). Harakati za media ya kijamii ambazo zimekuwa zikiishi na wanaume wa Kiafrika tangu katikati ya Januari ni hatua ya maandamano ya wanaume dhidi ya wanawake wanaowanyonya kifedha. "Na ... .. ninaapa kabisa, kudumisha hadhi ya chama hiki kikubwa na bidii inayostahili, kamwe kutoa msaada kwa njia yoyote ya unyonyaji wa kifedha kwa jinsia nyingine, kuheshimu na kusimamia katiba ya chama hiki kikubwa. Kwa hivyo nisaidie mungu, "inasomeka kiapo cha chama cha media ya kijamii. Kauli mbiu ya chama ni: "Wacha nione ninachoweza kufanya" mjinga kuzima kwa mwanamke wakati anaomba upendeleo wa kifedha ambao ulitafsiriwa tu kuwa "Usinizungumze juu ya hili tena ikiwa sikukushawishi katika jambo". Inaweza kutumika kwa rafiki wa kike anayesumbua au hata mke anayedai. Kwa kifupi, washiriki wa...

10 Things Every Woman Can't Hide When They Are In Love With a Man

When a girl in love with a man everything becomes amazing and beautiful to her, she want to feel loved and cared for, all she wants happiness and lasting relationship with you. Marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to last forever. As a man, the character and behaviour of a woman you will spending the rest of your life with should really be important to you. Some men know what they want in the woman they want to marry, but the problem is that most women nowadays are very good at pretending. In this article, we will see three important characters a woman cannot pretend about. Generally, men want women that have good characters. They want women that are, caring, tolerant, respectful, good cook, God fearing and so on. Not every woman possess all these qualities and so in other to be accepted by a man, some of them will pretend. But despite that, there are still characters that will show despite pretense. 1. She cannot hide her temper. A woman may pretend to be anythin...

Ikiwa Mtu Anafanya Haya, inamaanisha Upendo Wake Kwako Hautakufa

Zifuatazo ni viashiria muhimu ambavyo vinaweza kukudokeza kwamba mtu yuko ndani yako sana na mapenzi yake kwako hayatakufa. 1. Hutimiza ahadi. Ahadi ni takatifu au angalau hilo ndilo wazo. Wavulana wengi huzunguka wakifanya matamko ambayo wanajua laana hawana nia ya kufuata. Mvulana yeyote anaweza kutoa ahadi, lakini inachukua mwanamume halisi kufuata kweli nao. Ukipata moja basi unapendwa.  2) Anaheshimu familia yako na marafiki. Wakati mtu wako ana nia ya dhati katika maisha ya wazazi wako na jinsi wanavyofanya, hiyo inaweza pia kuwa ishara kwamba wanakuthamini na unatoka wapi. Pia ni uthibitisho mzuri kwamba ana upendo mkubwa kwako ambao ni ngumu sana kuuvunja. 3. Haoni wivu kirahisi. Wakati mtu anahisi salama na mwenzi wake, hawana wivu, kwa sababu wanawaamini na wanajisikia salama juu ya kupenda kwao. Wivu unahusiana tu na ukosefu wa usalama lakini mwanaume anayependa sana atajivunia kuwa na mwanamke mzuri kila wakati. 4. Anapendelea kutumia wakati na wewe. Kutumia...

If A Man Does These Things, it Means his Love For You Will Never Die

Following are some key indicators that can clue you that a man is deeply into you and his love for you will never die. 1. He keeps promises. Promises are sacred or at least that’s the idea. Too many guys go around making declarations that they know damn well they have no intention of following through with. Any boy can make promises, but it takes a real man to actually follow through with them. If you find one then you are loved. 2) He respects your family and friends . When your man is genuinely interested in your parents' lives and how they're doing, that can also be a sign that they value you and where you come from. It is also a good proof that he has strong love for you that is so hard to break. 3. He doesn't easily get jealous. When a man feels secure with their partner, they don't get jealous, because they trust them and feel secure about their liking for them. Jealousy is only to do with insecurity but a man who loves deeply will always feel proud to have a beau...

Rayvanny Akiri Kuchumbiana na Binti Kajala Kwa Miezi 5

Paula, binti wa Rayvanny na Kajala Masanja, walitikisa ndimi siku ya wapendanao wakati walipatikana katika onyesho la kupendeza kwa umma. Kajala mwenye umri wa miaka 38 aliripoti Rayvanny na Hamisa Mobetto kwa polisi baada ya kuwaanika kwenye chapisho kwenye mitandao ya kijamii.  Mwigizaji mkali wa Tanzania alikuwa na uchungu sana wakati Rayvanny alionekana akichumbiana na binti yake Paula kwenye video ya kisiri. Alimlaumu pia Hamisa Mobetto akidai alimpeleka Paul nyumbani kwa Rayvanny na hata alirekodi uboreshaji huo.  Rayvanny na Hamisa Mobetto walikuwa Jumatano Februari 17 walioitwa kwenye kituo cha polisi jijini Dar es Salaam kurekodi taarifa baada ya Kajala kuziripoti polisi. SWALI LA UZUSHI: Kwanini mwenye umri wa miaka 30 Harmonize Alianguka Kwa Mama wa Miaka 38  Kajala Masanja?  Wawili hao walizuiliwa kwa muda mfupi katika kituo cha polisi lakini mwishowe waliachiliwa kwa dhamana ya pesa taslimu ya polisi. Chanzo kinachojulikana na suala hilo kili...

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