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5 Things to Do to Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers

  Some time back, a Facebook account was irrelevant to hackers. There was no reason to hack anyone’s account since there was no reason for hacking an account in the first place. Ever since it has grown to billions of users, Facebook contains enough data for hackers to use for either monetary gain or blackmail. A celebrity’s account, for example, can be hacked in order for a person to advertise a page or brand. The hacker can also post embarrassing or discriminating posts that will leave the celeb’s fans furious. Your account is also prone to hacking even if you aren’t a celebrity. You obviously have to protect your  Facebook account from malicious hackers . It is not that hard to protect your account. Just follow these guidelines, and you’ll be good to go: 1) AVOID SAVING PASSWORDS ON PUBLIC DEVICES Cybercafés are awesome alternatives when you do not have any data on your device. They are also reserves for passwords since most people just click on ‘yes’ on the save password di...

10 Things Every Woman Can't Hide When They Are In Love With a Man

When a girl in love with a man everything becomes amazing and beautiful to her, she want to feel loved and cared for, all she wants happiness and lasting relationship with you.

Marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to last forever. As a man, the character and behaviour of a woman you will spending the rest of your life with should really be important to you. Some men know what they want in the woman they want to marry, but the problem is that most women nowadays are very good at pretending. In this article, we will see three important characters a woman cannot pretend about.

Generally, men want women that have good characters. They want women that are, caring, tolerant, respectful, good cook, God fearing and so on.

Not every woman possess all these qualities and so in other to be accepted by a man, some of them will pretend. But despite that, there are still characters that will show despite pretense.

1. She cannot hide her temper. A woman may pretend to be anything, but her temper will show once you do something that gets her angry. Her reaction will show whether she is an ill mannered person or a reasonable woman.

The simple truth is that when people are angry, that is when they show their real character.

2. She cannot hide her cooking skills. No matter how good a woman is at pretending, she cannot hide her cooking ability.

Well, if you find a woman that doesn’t know how to cook, this not necessarily a bad thing. The solution is for her to learn, as long as she’s willing to learn.

3. Indecent dressing. Dressing is a very valuable quality women look out for in women. Men love women that dress decently and responsibly.

Some ladies are fond of indecent dressing. Though such women may try to pretend, with time, her love for indecent dresses will show.

Pretense is never a good thing because in the end, it may lead to problems in the relationship.

4. Feelings about his kin. Every time a woman has expressed her feelings about his sister being petty or his mother being overtly inquisitive, she’s been accused of being insensitively provocative! It’s as if she’s trying to put him in a situation where he would have to make a choice. Over the years though, the entire race of fairer sex has become cautious of loosening their tongue over their true feelings for his clan members. The reason they all gave for camouflaging their opinions about his family – ‘We don’t want to be the ones to cause damage to the relationship.

5. She can’t hide her desire to change to fit in your life. Love can make a girl do another haircut, change the style of clothes, and indeed change interests and social circle. Here we are talking not only about falling in love. It is time to talk about true love if she wants to hear your opinion first and her eyes are craving a response, a positive response. You must appreciate such a girl because she is not afraid of changes just to please you, to look the way you like.

6. Excessive joy, inspiration, and energy. If a girl starts to laugh loudly and shine with happiness at the sight of you, this is a clear sign of her falling in love. Let such a manifestation of it occur not so often, but this is a sign of genuine, sincere sympathy and falling in love. It should also include a powerful reaction to the mediocre anecdote.

If she is in love, you will inspire her. After each of your meetings, she will be in a good mood. A girl will be grateful to you and will say that she had a good time with you. If after meeting or communication with you she is full of energy, this is an excellent sign. So you feed her emotionally.

7. Jealousy. If you caught a look full of envy when you spoke to her friend or helped a pretty stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her, it means that she is definitely jealous.

8. Acting slightly childish. If a woman is in love with you, she may begin to exhibit some strange behavior. She wants to be seen as cute in front of the person that she loves, and being cute is often hand-in-hand with being slightly childish.

9. Whether she’s messaging you online, sending you a text or seeking you out to start talking, a woman who is in love with you is more likely to start the conversation. Sometimes, you may find that she’s always sending you the first text, or is the one who’s calling you on the phone. These are behaviors of a woman who really wants to talk to you.

10. Pays attention to your needs and wants. She’s always aware of what you need, whether it’s an ear to listen, or someone to offer advice. A woman who is in love with you will have no problem keeping your wants and needs at the forefront of her mind, and she will be happy to help you with whatever you need.


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